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How to Lower Your Cholesterol and Triglycerides Without 'Lipitor' or...

Updated on October 19, 2012
Our ticker - we have only one.      Credit:
Our ticker - we have only one. Credit:
Two very helpful supplementals to help lower cholestrol and triglycerides when needed.
Two very helpful supplementals to help lower cholestrol and triglycerides when needed.

Red yeast rice and Inositol hexaniacinate? What are they?

OK, I'm not picking on just Lipitor. Just dump 'them all' in the soap-box, er, basket. Let's examine some reasons why you may.

And it is necessary to add this Disclaimer: These statements are not intended to be used as medical advice nor treatment, and any choice you make to treat your own situation, is your right as a responsible person. These statements are not approved by the FDA nor any government organization, but are given as a right to free speech for informational purposes only. Any results from your choice are your own responsibility. I must advise you to please see your physician before attempting any self-treatment.

Red yeast rice is a fermented supplement first widely used in Japan with the combination of niacin to lower high cholesterol levels. Inositol hexaniacinate is a particular form of niacin that does not cause stress to the liver as some forms of niacin may, nor does it cause the flushing skin reaction of many types of niacin. It's success is so evident that is being prescribed here, and that is a vital necessity if you are on a statin.

Naturopathic practice has a good answer for this mass media publicized condition of high cholesterol. But first it needs to be submitted that continuing research seems to indicate that cholesterol is not the major factor in causing heart attacks and vascular problems. Rather, the major causitive problem lies more in consistent bodily ph acidic ranges and in excessive homocysteine levels.

Both of these situations are simple to control. Naturally. Red yeast rice and Inositol hexaniacinate in combination act to lower LDL and some HDL, and triglyceride levels. If your HDL type is high you probably need to lower it some, and that is a probable indicator that your liver needs some tuning up too. Dandelion and milk thistle extracts are excellent for assisting your liver health. Omega 3 oils, mainly from certain fish, help control the inflammatory actions.

Our body ph moves toward acidity whenever we eat protein or sugar, caffeine, hydrogenated products such as margarine, artificial sweeteners, MSG, alcohol, junk foods. It moves toward alkalinity when we ingest low starchy vegetables, particularly raw ones. Other environmental factors affect our ph and thus our body is constantly striving to maintain a balanced ph between about 6 -7.5 ph. If enough alkaline foods are not ingested, the body has to borrow basic minerals from the bones and organs, stressing our whole system. There are products available to neutralize high acidity but why not gain that effect with nutritional foods?

Homocysteine is a destructive sulfur-containing amino acid produced in the body from the ingestion of meat and to some extent other non-vegan proteins. Though its importance has not yet been fully accepted by the American Heart Association, (This is still reported on its website as of May 2, 2009.) many medical affiliates have realized that clinical studies increasingly point to a dramatic interaction with high homocysteine levels and stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis, excessive clot formation, erectile dysfunction, dementia, and renal disease: All those increasing debilities known as 'aging'.

Other continuing research suggests a possible link between high homocysteine levels and Alzheimers. The Life Extension Foundation has updated information regarding homocysteine on its site as do many other progressive institutions, and online sites as at WebMd. There is a low incidence of genetically induced high homocysteine producers within the population, as discovered by Dr. Kilmer McCulley in 1969. But generally, testing for high homocysteine levels is expensive, though it may be requested to be added to other prescribed blood tests and obtain laboratory discounts.

The stated resolution to reducing the incidence levels of homocysteine is simple, even when continuing to eat reasonably nutritionally for we do require protein sustinance. The interaction of vitamin B12, folic acid and vitamin B6 works to decrease the homocysteine levels but must be taken on a consistent basis as the B vitamins are not warehoused in the body. The normal gut absorption of B12 decreases with increasing age. This particular vitamin should be taken either by injection (requires prescription) or by sublingual tablets which are absorbed under the tongue directly into the blood stream. These do not require a prescription.

Cyanocobalamin is often chosen for this and is fine, but the methylcobalamin type is what the cells must actually uptake, and this will work perhaps a little better for some, as it will have direct cellular uptake. The cyanocobalamin goes through a normal process to be utilized however, and is less costly. Neither of these products are expensive, though the methyl type is a bit more. There are also sub-lingual types of vitamin B6, but the tiny tablet or capsule is fairly tasteless and may be chewed or swallowed just fine for absorption if desired.. Folic acid in pill or capsule is also easily absorbed, though tasteless if chewed.

In major published media, newspapers, magazines, television, radio, it hits you in the face: Lower your cholesterol to prevent having a heart attack. Take 'this drug' and be safe(r). But it's ok to loose your memory, or cause liver damage, or get headaches, diarrhea, impotence, spend your money, get mad at your doctor, ruin your muscles, ruin your jaw, yell at the dog and a whole lot more. The advertisements insist you must take their drug, even may offer a 'free trial', "Go ask your doctor for it!", they insist. Take our pill and...just do it, do it.

But I say, "No, thanks." Naturopathic practitioners, whether physician or user, and a few orthodox medical practitioners tend to believe that the increasingly lowered levels suggested necessary by the drug manufacturers (yes, them) are becoming too low for vascular and cellular health, and including normal hormonal productions in the body.

Our body needs cholesterol for vessel repair, for hormone production, and when diminished to excessively low levels may indeed be a part of the causative agent for having a heart attack! Or stroke! That is both bad and good news. Bad because that is bad and good because something simple can be done about it. Yes, there are simple, non-invasive methods of assisting your body to maintain its healthy cholesterol and homocyestine levels when you know how to take what your body is asking for. Replace what is lacking in your chemical/nutritional makeup and your body will begin to heal itself. Give your cells the food they require to grow and repair into healthy systems!

Often in orthodox cholesterol treatment - and uneducated self treatment too - the HDL type is taken too low. An HDL that is quite below a fairly reasonable LDL or that is less than around 60 according to some naturopathic physicians may put one at risk for heart attack or stroke because the cholesterol is not sufficient for repair of vascular wounds. Some few practioners, in defiance of the drug manufacturers suggestions, believe according to ongoing scientific research that the total cholesterol should not be lower than about 185 for those above/about sixty-five years, of course depending on your general health and according to knowledge about your personal history.  One's individual physical history must be taken into account when measuring/changing the acceptance of lab numbers.

While the statins or statin type products do lower LDL, they also lower the HDL which is the good cholesterol. If the HDL is vastly low, again that speaks to the liver needing some nutritional supplementation. The liver is our 'trash cleaning' system and sometimes it needs cleaning help itself. Both dandelion and milk thistle teas are rather tasty, but teas alone are not enough if the liver is full of the environmental negatives from societal and personal onslaught.Those two extracts combined or alone, are known to be two of the best liver supportive products available. An extract of milk thistle is marketed as silimarin or sylibum.

CoQ10 is vital if you take a statin or any cholesterol lowering supplement!

This is a well absorbed liquid CoQ10, and a tiny pill type, low dose but convenient to carry in purse.
This is a well absorbed liquid CoQ10, and a tiny pill type, low dose but convenient to carry in purse.

Further educational tips, and important to remember!

Whenever anyone takes a statin drug (like Lipitor, etc.) it is essential that CoQ10 be taken! It should be noted that Red Rice Yeast acts similarly to a statin i.e. without most or any of the side effects of statin prescriptions, and CoQ10 should always be taken with it too. CoQ1o is an enzyme type chemical actually produced in small amounts in the body but all statin drugs decrease the amount of CoQ10. The heart has a high demand for CoQ10 as one of the properties of this enzyme is to facilitate the vital exchange of cellular oxygen use in the muscles and the heart is a muscle! There are currently a few prescription statin drugs on the market that have now added some CoQ10 within the statin pill. Bravo!

A general dose of the CoQ10 is 200 mg in the morning hours and if deemed needed another 100 mg or more at noon. It is a more expensive supplement and you could take much more than that minimum dose suggested which could be assistive for some asthmatic or COPD conditions. There are pills, capsules, liquids, gels in varying potencies and greatly varying prices. This is a non-prescription product and found at drug stores, health and grocery stores, online, etc.

I have obtained a liquid type of a newer liposomal CoQ10 in a 15 mg dose at eBay, but it is considered an enhanced absorbable hydrosoluable and takes less to equal the dose needed. It is stated it can be put in juice or milk as it does have a slightly acrid taste, but I do not mind the taste and just take it straight. This particular brand is distributed by Tishcon Corp and costs around $35 dollars if you get it on a good sale. It pays to shop around. I have also bought it on


APPLE PECTIN is a good fiberous agent and helps absorb and eliminate various toxins from the intestinal system. This MULTI-ENZYME is a capsule and one of my favorite supplements.
APPLE PECTIN is a good fiberous agent and helps absorb and eliminate various toxins from the intestinal system. This MULTI-ENZYME is a capsule and one of my favorite supplements.

Learn to replace what your body lacks and it can make a big positive difference in your health issues.

Inositol hexaniacinate is a form of niacin that does not make you flush uncomfortably and will help hold or bring down your triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are a product of animal and plant fats and oils that adversely affect us if excessively consumed. The niacin helps reduce this damage, i.e. inflammation, as does the intake of more Omega 3 oils, (i.e. fish oils) in waylaying the activity of excessive fats and oils and hydrogenated products and trans-fats which are so predominent in our diet.

Hydrogenated products and trans-fats are enemies of our whole-system health and should be eliminated as much as possible for they too are causes of adverse inflammatory processes! These include margarine, artificial whipped cream, coffee creamer powders, trans-fats, and are additives in many, many products of processed foods. When you do choose to eat 'some' take a good digestive enzyme combination, vitamin C and vitamin E along with it, and that digestive and antioxidant process will somewhat help decrease the damage.

These three can be a lifesaver, though not candy!
These three can be a lifesaver, though not candy!

In case you are wondering.

I personally lowered my total cholesterol from 238 to 190 in about four months with HDL and LDL being compatible levels without changing my diet. I still eat a lot of 'natural' eggs, red meat and cheese.

My protocol was taking two capsules of Red Yeast Rice in morning and at noon two days a week, and one in morning and one at night the other days. I also took 500mg of Inositol hexaniacinate in morning and night, every day. My triglycerides are excellent. I now take one Red Yeast Rice daily nearly every day with the niacin. I always take CoQ10 daily and often with an extra noon dose. I have recently added cholecalciferol (absorbable vitamin D) due to my insuffient sunshine exposure. But that is another expedition.

For your acceptance, real eggs are good for you - excellent protein, and the cholesterol they contain is the 'good' kind, more so if they are 'natural', i.e. cage free and eat bugs. I do mean the chickens eat the bugs...gimme them good farm chicken eggs! ( Bugs and all.)

Wishing you eggs and bacon for breakfast, with green tea and a whole grain bagel! And by the way put some lecithin in your orange juice - or even on your bagel. That helps too!

Above all, know your own personal health profile and requirements and work with the ever-ongoing developments of medical science to assure yourself of the best health measures for your own body - educate yourself about yourself!


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